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Am I Michael J Fox or Bill Murray?

I stirred from a deep slumber this morning, and I don’t know exactly what it was, but something wasn’t quite right. It was like a nagging fear was tugging at me that Paul Roy was back in charge of the BHA.

The reason? Sitting on my e-mail was this article from the Sydney Morning Herald. If you can’t be bothered to click through and read it all, probably all you need to know is that its headline is, “New breed of punters threatens sport of kings”. Under the photo of horses is written the caption, “Betting exchanges make horse racing potentially extremely lucrative if you know which horses are likely to lose”.

Seriously? I thought the SMH was a newspaper, not an oldspaper. If they’ve forgotten, they covered this ‘story’ repeatedly 2004 (here’s one example among many).  Have I woken up in a different decade, or with a chance to give everything another go?

If so, I must look up that girl called…



Posted in Australia, Betfair, Betting industry, Gambling.

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