It may interest some readers that this Early Day Motion has been posted in parliament by Labour MP Tom Watson:
That this House notes with disappointment that the Government has missed an opportunity to proceed with a reduction in stakes or prizes on fixed odds betting terminals in response to its consultation on proposals for changes to maximum stake and prize limits for category B, C and D gaming machines; expresses its concern that, unlike fruit machines in pubs, bingo halls and amusement arcades, where stakes are limited to £2, gamblers can bet up to £100 every 20 seconds on fixed odds betting terminals; further notes that such terminals have been pejoratively described as the crack-cocaine of gambling addiction and that they proliferate in the poorest areas, taking money away from those who can least afford it; believes that the Government’s package of reforms will support the bookmakers whilst further encouraging problem gambling; and calls on the Government to reduce the maximum stakes on fixed odds betting terminals from £100 to £2 in line with all other category B machines.
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